"Les (Re)Visiteurs de l'Histoire"
Fortified walls and Château Comtal of the Medieval City, Carcassonne, France
July 12th, 2021 - August 28th, 2021
Immersive show-itinerary - Art and Heritage‍
32 000
A black icon representing a person.
Project development:
4 months
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While the COVID-19 pandemic was still rife, the medieval City of Carcassonne re-opened with a night-time show.

As the concept had to comply with pandemic-related restrictions, we designed and staged an immersive show-itinerary, where visitors could stroll about alone or in small groups.

The keystone of this adventure was the embedded narration delivered via autonomous headsets, with the relevant sequences being activated according to the spectators’ positions as they walk around.

We wanted to give history a new lease of life to make it accessible to as broad a spectrum of people as possible. This was achieved by having a group of kids, young "pirates of the airwaves", chipping in along the way while the guide delivered his talk.

As night began to fall, the itinerary was transformed by projections, lighting and special effects that illustrated the narrative in real time.

Afresh, impetuous, and fantastic adventure that (re)visits codes and reconnects history with younger generations, using the best of technology to serve the show’s content.