“México en el corazón”
Zócalo square, Mexico City, Mexico
September 15th, 17th, 18th and 19th and November 6th to 18th, 2009
Celebration - Culture et Society
+2 500 000
A black icon representing a person.
Project development:
5 months
No items found.
Heavent Meetings 2010 Award in Deauville

To mark the Independence Day of September 15th and anticipating two hundred years of Independence and hundred years of Mexican Revolution, the agency Les Petits Français created and directed an original show staged in Mexico City’s most famous square, the Zócalo

The show is made up of three acts:

– In the first act, projections on screens around the square present Mexican personalities and people, who invite the public to celebrate their country’s independence.

– The second act takes spectators on a journey through history, while emotions are stirred by the appearance of exemplary figures who have influenced Mexican history.

– In the third act, the National Palace is sketched out, then, thanks to unique modeling and projection technology, it starts to move as the very stones of Mexico’s most emblematic building seem to come to life.

Further to the extraordinary success of the show’s initial run, Les Petits Français were asked to put on additional dates throughout November 2009 so that Mexicans who had missed out on the first run could have the opportunity to enjoy this exercise in cultural integration.