Plaza del Milenio
Plaza del Milenio, Valladolid, Espagne
April 15th, 2010
Concept et scénographie urbaine - Art et Patrimoine
A black icon representing a person.
Project development:
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The Valladolid municipality council asked Les Petits Français to design an innovative and spectacular project for the urban regeneration of a forgotten city square: the Plaza del Milenio.

Les Petits Français worked in partnership with a young firm of talented architects, EXP Architectes, in order to jointly propose an idea on there development of this city square, incorporating two key factors: an underground car park and one of the emblematic pavilions of the international exhibition, Expo Zaragoza 2008.

The aim of the urban scenography is to bring spatial unity to the city, while preserving Valladolid’s identity and that of its inhabitants. Not far from the city centre, Plaza del Milenio serves as a symbolic place as it borders the River Pisuerga and occupies a pivotal position between the historical centre and the rest of the city.

A meeting point, a hub, a haven, this concourse is well placed to unite people and foster exchange in a natural environment around a modern and ecological pavilion.

The idea is therefore to play on existing elements, to appropriate them so as to enrich and push the urban and natural limits, there by giving this innovative space a unique value.