Tenth Anniversary of the Guggenheim Museum
Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain
October 19th, 2007
Commemoration - Art and Heritage
50 000
A black icon representing a person.
Project development:
2 meses
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Les Petits Français

Concept, show design, and direction

Martin Arnaud, Show Design and Direction

Marilyn Kuentz, Artistic Coordination and Project Management

Fabien Langard, Original Soundtrack and Sound Design

CF Eventos (Bilbao)

Spanish production

Executive production

Ignacio Fernandez

Sara Gandara, Production


David Herranz

Frank Gehry used titanium for the first time in the history of contemporary architecture in the design of the Museum.

To celebrate its tenth anniversary, the Museum acquired a masterpiece by Daniel Buren.

On this occasion, Les Petits Français designed a pyrotechnical show based upon an original soundtrack linking the chromatic characteristics of both works.

The seven-minute long “fire” relies on the moving city beat as its traddles the River Nervión.

Among the pyrotechnical products used a pure white (titanium), which launches the show, and warm red shades, ending the show with a nod to the new work inaugurated on that day.